How low vision aids benefits a person with macular degeneration with artificial vision?

Seeing anything with its natural colors and clarity is a blessing that we all enjoy, but it all blurs away as we grow older. The glasses and lenses may benefit you to an age limit, but these are useless for a person suffering from macular degeneration.

It is a disease where the patient suffers from acute vision loss that is irreversible because of the severe damage to the macula. The low vision aids proves to be the best solution for them. These aiding tools may include hand-held and stand magnifiers, telescopic and magnifier glasses, and VR powered headsets like IRISVISION. Most of the conventional devices among these are developed for specific purposes, whereas a VR-based headset can be used for multiple purposes and can be worn while doing all the chores.

Following are the different ways as how low vision aids serve as restoring the vision of a person with macular degeneration.

They can live as independent as the youth

Patients with low vision somehow depend on their partners, kids, and other family members for different tasks even from going to washroom or to the lawn. They dread about moving around the house and going out. Therefore, they need a companion stick to them all the time. With low vision aids, they can live life of an independent individual.  They get to know about their surroundings. They are confident to walk around and fetch things for themselves.

Playing with grandchild is not a hurdle now

The macular degeneration affects people with age of above 60 years. The time when they have a lot of time to play with their grandchildren goes in dismay because of their poor vision. The kids may want to play with blocks and do the coloring, but the poor grandparents find it difficult. The low vision aids help them gain their sight back to play whatever the kids demand.

Switching back to hobbies is easier – Read, Sew, Stitch, Do Gardening

A hobby is like a companion. When we are free, we think about it, but our short-sightedness may not allow us the due freedom. Having an aid can empower a person with macular degeneration to pursue the hobbies and past time activities he or she has been following since long.

Losing eye-sight is dreadful and grieving when a person gets to know that it is irreversible. But, it is the low vision aid that artificially reverses their vision with different tools. The recent development in virtual technology has also made available such devices that have completely transformed the vision care industry.


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